how fun it is when life has changed right in front of you, without even noticing.....
at least i'm happy now
at least i know my worth
and i'm so damn proud of my progress so far
and no, i ain't gonna be apologising for cutting you out of my life
i never knew who i was writing for
so far, so good
i'm writing for myself,
my past, present, and future.
i like have somewhat of a diary
to track my progress, relapses, and hopes for the future
remember when i was so close to giving up? were you ever scared for me?
scared that i never would open my eyes again?
that my parents would contact you and tell you the news?
i'm not sure that i was scared back then, but on the flip side... i might have been scared of the unknown.
I have been scared of being happy.
I have been scared of dying.
Everything scared the living shit out of me.
I've been three years self-harm free.
I'm almost done with my first year of college.
I've almost lived alone for a year, and I'm not planning on moving back home anytime soon.
I'm not planning on going out and getting shitfaced.
I want to continue life as it is, and hope for the best.
I want to stay happy and proud.
My well-being is important. Thanks to 2015 for making me realising that.
Cheers to 2016, I think this is gonna be my happy year. I'm recovering.
I've been off the meds for 6+ months, and I couldn't be more happy.
Finally, I love my life and everything in it. Of course, shit could be better, but
for fucks sake -- I'm happy, and I no longer want to end my life (something i haven't wanted for a solid 2 years, I think?)
Dear 2016, please be good to me. I have no intentions of going back to hell.
My body finally feels like a home. Don't you dare taking that away from me.
I've started something good here. And it feels pretty darn great when life treats ya well.