When will you realize that? Stop beating yourself up about all your faults.
All of your imperfections and perfections --- why be hating on that?
After all, who would you be without your smile, laugh, weird ass discussions, passions, music taste and all of your interest? Raise the finger to those who put you down for a character trait you cannot do shit about. I love you to bits for it. I love the way you talk, the way you get sucked into a subject - how passionate you become. I love the way you laugh and smile. I love how weird you are. Screw the rest, you are perfect the way you are. I appreciate you. I adore you.
You are all of your faults, you are your good and bad days, you are the sunshine on a sunny day, you are the rain on a stormy day. Why would you change that about yourself? You make the flowers grow in the darkest of days. Because of you they grow up to become beautiful. Don't you dare changing that. You are so beautiful inside out, I wish you could see that. I truly do. I wish you would love yourself the way I love you. You are important, your smile lights up my life. Your presence is important in my life. You are good enough.